Best Backend Development Agency in Australia | Green Web Technologies -

Green Web Technologies is a specialist PHP Development association with 15+ significant lots of solid contribution in web change using Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) and AJAX headways. Our group gloats of agave PHP change aggregate that makes and sends contemporary PHP web applications having, as the best need the client's business needs and open spending designs. Despite whether you require a custom PHP web application or need a special Internet business store made using PHP and MySQL, we are a one-stop arrangement.

Why PHP Development?

PHP, being an Open Source and less-obfuscated programming tongue, empowers specialists to execute server-side scripting, arrange line scripting, and make PHP destinations and web applications easily. PHP is great with every single working structure, for instance, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, RISC OS, a couple of UNIX varieties, and Linux. There are reasons why website specialists organize support PHP over other programming vernaculars while making courses of action:

  • Offers quicker load time
  • Offers more prominent adaptability than C, C++, and ASP
  • A substantial number of libraries and augmentations are accessible for download.
  • Secure against malignant assaults
  • Broadly accessible network support
  • The similarity with driving working frameworks
  • Offers support for all significant web servers, for example, Apache and IIS
  • An Open Source dialect accessible with no membership expense
  • Adaptable database network
Contact Number: +61 402 137 221
Company’s Address- 2 Brodrick Boulevard, Kellyville, NSW 2155. Australia


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